Home Automation

Home Automation

The last technologies for Residential Life! Everything you need to control is on your power by getting home and saying “Alexa, I’m Home” (The Amazon Echo goes by “Alexa”) these words would activate your world! the Lights on, turning the thermostat down, and turning on the TV.  Or maybe at bedtime saying “Alexa, Goodnight” and having all the lights and TV system turn off, the thermostat set to your favorite sleep temperature, lock all the doors… Or cooking your favorite recipe and having a helper in the kitchen… Home Automation makes life easy! Don’t wait more and be part of it.

Why Home Automation?

It is an exciting time for people that grew up watching movies where home automation was a central part of the future.

Here are a few areas where home automation will help you.

Home automation has already made leaps and bounds in the area of Energy. There are dozens of meters and sensors that keep track of when people come in the home, when they leave, which appliances are using the most electricity, and a variety of other energy-related bits of data. This data is used to figure out areas to cut costs when it comes to energy consumption. This market will likely continue to explode as energy prices continue to go up. One of the biggest wasters of energy is keeping a home warm (or cool) when you are away from home. Some people are only home a few hours a day, yet without some of the new monitors their home is kept at a comfortable temperature all day just so their appliances don’t get warm!

This one is becoming increasingly favorable as well. The world is not getting safer, in fact most people would agree that it is getting much more dangerous. Imagine being able to know exactly what is going on in your house, your yard, your car, and in everything else you own. You never worry because you know if there is a problem that your house will alert you.

Home automation will change all of this by making your home the information hub of all of your new technology. Your phone will automatically start saving photos and data from the day when you get home. This is great because your house can have enough built in memory to last for a lifetime, while your phone is likely constantly running out. Your home will be able to tell you where your cars are, if you have appliances that need some maintenance work, or even remind you to do simple tasks like feeding the dog. It will also be able to order groceries, cook, and pretty much do all the chores that you hate dong.

Besides with home automation you are giving a plus to your house in Real Estate Value! What an incredible time to be alive! Stay up-to-date with home automation trends and simplify your life!

You can choose your favorite Brand for Home Automation such as the Amazon Echo, Google Home, Wink Smart Hub, Smart Thermostats, Smart Lutron Wall Outlets and Dimmers, Smart Garage Door Controls, and Logitech Remote Systems.   We are on the cutting edge of retail, consumer-grade home automation equipment.
We work with licensed and insured general contractors, HVAC and Electrical companies to accomplish installation and setup of these permanently hard-wired devices. ​
This is the next-level of home and office convenience on automation, and best of all it’s AFFORDABLE!  We offer the best prices! You can ask for the promotional packages, don’t wait more and get comfortable! Let us guide you through the future, call us at 561-480-8586!